In Loving Memory Of
Phyllis Marie Clark Crabb
April 20, 1951-December 4, 2022
Look inside to read what others
have shared
Online Memory & Photo Sharing Event
Orders begin printing on December 29
Online Event

In Loving Memory Of
Phyllis Marie Clark Crabb
April 20, 1951-December 4, 2022
Look inside to read what others have shared
Look inside to read what others have shared
Dear Crabb family, one of the saddest things someone can experience is the death of a loved one. Did you know the Bible compares death to sleep? (Psalms 13:3) Just as a person who is asleep is unaware of what is happening around him, the dead are not conscious of anything. There is a promise of hope in the Bible. Our loving God has promised to awaken the dead, as if from sleep, and give them life again. Acts 24:15 says, “There is going to be a resurrection.” The bible offers comfort for those who are grieving and I hope this brings you comfort as well.