Gerard “Gerry” Chapin Lambert

June 28, 1978 ~ July 23, 2020 (age 42)

Listen to this obituary

In Memory of Gerard “Gerry” Chapin Lambert

June 28, 1978 – July 23, 2020

This post, from Gerry’s family, is to share the sad news with all that loved and cared for him that he passed away last night.  You can take comfort that he left us peacefully and in the presence of family.

We remember how compelling his company was to us all.  Whether spent scheming, reminiscing or visiting idly, the moments we will recall sharing with him were touched indelibly by his humor, imagination and love.  Those qualities also shaped a monumental talent for writing.  In his poetry we are presented with intimate games, curiosities and scathing critiques that only Gerry could notice and render.  We can be heartened that he has left us with so much to continue to celebrate and discover, so much to confide in us.  In that spirit we invite you to share your memories and remember him with us.


Distant is a collection of acres next to the waterfront. 
It would be inappropriate to call it waterfront property. 
The District of Distant stares at glorious smokestacks
where smoke lifts into your eyes and burns them with visions. 

Distant gives you hope. You see it in the driftwood.
You see it in the river that shows you the face you own.
Distant gives you perspective.

The perspective of reaching into your pocket
feeling the matchbook you put there
when you first encountered Distant.

To make fire you must disengage your inclinations,
swipe the sulfur against the sandpaper.

Distant will not help here. You are alone in Distant.
You smoke your cigarette in smokestacks
beautiful plumes released as cloud formations.

In this way you have made your mark on Distant
and she will let you back in. But now you must treblecleff, 
flatten your soles, place the matchbook back in the pocket
you got it from when you first encountered Distant.

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