Raymond Wayne Jones, 61, died Monday, October 25, at his residence. He was born April 28, 1960, in Marion, KY., to Ardis Alloway Jones and Nellie Ethelene Taylor Jones. He was disabled.
He is survived by 2 daughters: Rose Jones and Jessica Dodd, both of Myrtle; 8 sons: Freddie Jones of Evansville, IN., Shawn Ledlow of Myrtle, Dusty Page of Myrtle, Scooter Cain of Evansville, IN., Cory Page of New Albany, Nathan Page of Myrtle, Rodney Ledlow of Myrtle, and Brandon Jones of Myrtle; 3 sisters: Kathy Watts of New Albany, Cindy Puckett of Providence, KY., and Sheila Sansing of TX.; 1 brother: Buck Jones of Myrtle; 11 grandchildren; and 1 great-grandchild.
He was preceded in death by his parents and 1 brother: Lester Seger.
A memorial service will be announced at a later date.
For online condolences please visit www.unitedfuneralservice.com.
Raymond Jones
April 28, 1960 – October 25, 2021